Sunday, August 22, 2004

Well, after several days of calling the puppy dog-dog, we've decided on Bella. I think it suits her somehow. She's an absolute monster though....always trying to bite your hands, and jump up and bite your face. She's already put a hole in my new jumper by jumping up and grabbing on, and refusing to let go. I also got a digital camcorder for my birthday, so we've been taking movies of the dog, and the house and stuff to send back to the folks. It's the first time I've seen myself on camera and I don't like it at all. I hate the way I sound accent sounds so strong.

Social life kind of dead at the moment. Only place we seem to go to is the local shopping centre to get chinese noodles. Haven't even been to the cinema lately, and can't remember the last time I had an alcoholic drink. I miss my friends. Miss those boozy nights out drinking and dancing and gossiping about men. (sigh)


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