Well, thats christmas over and done with. It passed a bit quickly for my liking. I didn't get a chance to feel christmassy at all. Some presents, a few days off, and then back to work. I got some nice presents though. A swanky new phone which you can surf the net from, some nice tops, some smelly stuff, and the usual chocolate. We had nice weather too. We went to my boyfriends parents place in the Bay of Plenty. They live in the countryside, so it was a very relaxing few days. Going for walks with the dog and going to the beach (beautiful soft, white sand...). The weather is a bit warmer down there too, so I got a wee bit sunburnt. Very pleasant few days. They were also getting rid of their old spa pool, so we dug it out and cleaned it off, and are just waiting for them to drive it up to Auckland in their trailer. Looking forward to getting that installed!
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