Monday, June 06, 2005

Went to the Ellerslie car fair yesterday and got a car! It's a Nissan March (micra). It was an Indian guy who owned it and he didn't seem to have a great command of the english language. Anyway, I gave him a deposit and have to go tomorrow to pick it up and give him the balance. I'm paranoid now though as we didn't think to get any checks done. I'm worried it's got money owing on it or something. Either that or I'll get there tomorrow and he'll deny he agreed to sell me the car and deny I gave him $200 deposit. I just noticed he didn't sign the receipt I wrote out. Sigh.

Also, my joy at getting a car has been wiped out by the frustration of trying to get insurance. NZ is so bloody small, and there's only about 4 insurance companies to choose from. They don't do on-line quotes which is making me mad. I don't have time to wait 4 days for them to get round to calling me with a quote etc. You don't realise how much you take for granted when you live somewhere like the UK. You come here and it's so backwards it's unreal.


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