Thursday, August 11, 2005

Just about to leave work. Felt the need to post something which really annoys me about this place, the cliquishness of the people who work here. There's no general email goes out to see if people want to go for lunch or to the flicks. People have their friends, and no-one else gets invited along.

I just don't understand that. It wasn't that way when I worked in Glasgow. It wasn't that way in my previous job in NZ. I've come to the conclusion that it's because the staff here is predominately female. In my other jobs, it's been mostly male staff.

It's hard to work in an environment like that. Afraid to take part in a conversation in case it's a private conversation. It's very hard to try to make friends.

In other news, I'm going to see the Black Eyed Peas in concert in October!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can sympathise with that. It's teh same in my place, except it's full of blokes who don't talk to each other.

I blame it on the fact that it's in the middle of nowhere and miles from any pubs combined with flexible hours. Everyone just.. goes home, and at separate times.

A well.

2:26 AM  

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