Went to the boyfriends parents a few weekends back. Was pretty good weekend except our dog picked up fleas from their dog. It's not too bad in infestation, but I feel bad to say I haven't been to the vets yet to get her flea treatment. Anyway, I made the mistake of bringing her into bed with us the other night as she was barking all night and wouldn't settle. Big mistake. I now have 23 very itchy flea bites down my left leg and 5 bites on my right arm. Boyfriend doesn't have a single bite. Anyone have any idea what makes a persons skin so appealing to insects?
Trying to decide when to have my next visit home. My friend is getting married in September, but I don't know if it'll be possible to go. My original plan had been to quit my job and go to the wedding and look for another job once I got back. I can't afford to do that though. I also have no annual leave left, so I'd need to ask for time off without pay. That would mean I wouldn't be able to take any time off at xmas either. I wish NZ wasn't so far away from the UK!!
I've been trying to go to some exercise classes to get a bit fitter and hopefully lose a few pounds. I went to one on Monday night which was called Body Pump. The website said it was an intense workout with dumbells. I thought I'd be those little weights you hold in your hands and you'd jump about to music etc. Nooooo. It was like a weight lifting class to music. With actual bars with weights on them. I put the lightest (1 kilo) on each end, but I was really struggling. My muscles were screaming 2 minutes into the warmup. I got through the class, but my muscles were so painful for days afterwards. The girl taking the class was amazing though. She was tiny, and looked about 12 years old. She had about 20 kilos on each end and it was no bother to her at all.
Trying to decide when to have my next visit home. My friend is getting married in September, but I don't know if it'll be possible to go. My original plan had been to quit my job and go to the wedding and look for another job once I got back. I can't afford to do that though. I also have no annual leave left, so I'd need to ask for time off without pay. That would mean I wouldn't be able to take any time off at xmas either. I wish NZ wasn't so far away from the UK!!
I've been trying to go to some exercise classes to get a bit fitter and hopefully lose a few pounds. I went to one on Monday night which was called Body Pump. The website said it was an intense workout with dumbells. I thought I'd be those little weights you hold in your hands and you'd jump about to music etc. Nooooo. It was like a weight lifting class to music. With actual bars with weights on them. I put the lightest (1 kilo) on each end, but I was really struggling. My muscles were screaming 2 minutes into the warmup. I got through the class, but my muscles were so painful for days afterwards. The girl taking the class was amazing though. She was tiny, and looked about 12 years old. She had about 20 kilos on each end and it was no bother to her at all.