Monday, April 25, 2005

Anzac day today, and a public holiday. Day off work, woo hoo! It's quite nice outside, blue skies etc, but we're inside trying to find an emergency osteopath. My boyfriend has this bone in this chest area that slips out of place occasionally. Well, about once every few months. When this happens the pain gradually builds and he has trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. Once he goes to the osteopath, he just clicks it back into place and he's fine again. The first time he had it he didn't know what it was, so went to the doctor who thought he was having a heart attack.

The problem is that with today being a public holiday, none of the osteopath's are in work. And they aren't answering the 'call this number in an emergency' number. He doesn't want to go to a hospital as he thinks they'll want to whip him in straight away for surgery. Don't know what he's going to do!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Unbelievable! I have another mosquito bite! The thumb on my right hand is swollen, red and itchy. I've taken allergy pills, and hopefully the swelling will have gone down by tomorrow. If not, will need to visit the doctor again.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Just been on Friends Reunited to see if anyone new has added their name. Practically everyone I went to school with is married with several kids. I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't 'grown up'. I'll be 29 in a few months, but I don't feel anywhere near that age. I've become very conscious of my age these days. The skin on my face isn't as firm as it was. I'm can't lose weight as easy as I used to.....but I can put it on a lot easier. If I want to have kids myself, I really should start thinking about it. I feel like I'm wasting my life away sometimes. It rears itself in work mostly when I'm bored and I can feel the frustration building and I just want to jump up from my seat and run, and keep running.

Anyway. Enough of that.

Last weekend, I got bitten on my right hand and my left wrist by a mosquito whilst walking the dog. The bites were a bit itchy, but were ok. The next morning I woke up to find my hand and wrist had swollen up and were itching intensly. One visit to the docs later, I had antibiotics and allergy pills for the 'allergic and infectious' reaciton I had suffered. I had people coming up to my desk at work just to look at my big fat hand, and to proclaim how digusting it looked, and to offer solutions to my itching problem. Thankfully, all was back to normal after about 2 days.

On my usual Saturday morning phone call home, my mum was telling me a very funny story about my cousin and her kid who live in Finland. My cousin's daughter who is 14 and at boarding school during the week, came home at the weekend and said to her mum she wanted to wax her armpits. She was very determined, so my cousin got her the wax kit, and they put it on one armpit. Anyway, turns out the wax was too hot and the kid starts screaming that it's painful. She won't let her mum anywhere near her though, and after a while the wax hardened. She ended up going to bed that night with all this hardened wax under her arm. The next day, she let her mum help her and they managed to soften it a bit with hot water bottles and then scrape it off. I bet she'll be sticking to shaving in the future!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Back in NZ now. Got back on Monday afternoon and spent the evening cleaning the house (house sitter found can of chocolate cream in the fridge, and I don't know what he was doing but there were chocolate handprints everywhere). Had Tuesday off, so I hung around the house and spent time with the dog. Wednesday I went back into work, but as the day progressed I started to feel really ill. Left early, and was in bed by 7pm under a mountain of duvets shivering and suffering from flu. Spent Thursday on the couch with a hot water bottle and a blanket trying to stay warm whilst marvelling at the fact my pj's were soaked with sweat. It's now Friday, and am feeling better today. It's all gone into my chest now, so lots of coughing will be going on today.

Feeling sorry for myself though as this is the first time I've been really ill here and I'm all on my own :o( Have no mum to come round with lunch and make me cups of tea etc. Boyfriend did make me dinner last night though. His first attempt at scrambled aggs. They were pretty good too.

Poor dog is still scratching like mad and has more raw, bleeding patches. She had fleas again when we came back, so we bathed her with a medicated shampoo and gave her the spot on flea treatment. She doesn't have fleas now, but she's still scratching. I think she must be allergic to something. I had changed her dog biscuits a few months ago, so I've stopped giving her them in case they're the problem.

Weather here is about 20 degrees. Blue skies. Start of Autumn now, so a bit chilly.