Monday, February 27, 2006

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s getting up to an alarm. Unfortunately, I’m in work for 8am every day, so I need an alarm to wake me up. I detest it though. It’s not natural to be woken up by a loud repetitive buzzing, and it’s stressful too, having to pounce on the source of the noise and cut it off before it really wakes your sleeping partner. I also don’t think it’s natural to have to start your day when it’s dark outside. When it’s winter and it’s dark in the mornings, and dark at night early, then we should have a shorter working day

It seems getting up early is also too much for our junior developer here. Just popped my head round his cubicle and he’s fast asleep at his desk!

Anyway, what have I been up to lately? I was at a wedding the other week. I don’t know if it’s typical of kiwi weddings as I’ve only been to the one, but there was no singing in the church, no throwing of confetti and no throwing of the bouquet. We were only in the church for about 10 mins, which we were all glad of as it was a hot day and so stuffy in the tiniest wee church I’ve ever seen. The reception was held at a golf resort nearby, which had great views over the harbour. Most of us stayed overnight in the luxury villas they have for guests at the resort. They were really nice, with huge beds, a spa bath and great views. Next morning we were tired, hungover and crabby (not nice being hungover when it’s really hot). Breakfast was Pringles and pikelets (pancakes) as we drove back home. We had a babysitter for the dog who stayed the night to make sure she was ok. She was still asleep when we got in and all we got in the way of a greeting was a slight wag of the tail. I was a bit miffed.

At the weekend we went to a concert at Auckland zoo. We went early to have a look around the zoo first. It was pretty good. They have a glass viewing area where you can get as close to a lion as you’d ever want to be. There were several of them and they were really interested in who was behind the glass. We also saw some really huge hippos. They were pretty cool. After we had our walk round the zoo, we pitched our blankets on a spot on the grass in front of the band stand where Don McGlashen (former Muttonbirds member) would be playing. He was really good. It was a nice night, sitting with a group of friends, having a picnic, drinking wine, listening to good music.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I have a bit of a problem at the moment. It's called a pot belly. Mine it seems, doesn't want to get any smaller. It wants to sit over the top of the waistband of my jeans. It wants to jiggle when I run. It wants to expand to twice it's size after every meal. Most of all it wants to ruin any chances I have of wearing a nice, fitted dress to a wedding next Friday.

I actually have the dress. I got it for my university graduation ball and have only worn it that once. It's an expensive dress, very nice, and perfect for wearing to a wedding. The only problem is that when I wear it I look about 3 months pregnant.

I have bene trying half heartedly to lose weight in the weeks leading to this wedding. Ok, I haven't been trying at all really. I just hoped that I'd wake up on the day and my pot belly would have miraculously disappeared. I think I'm quitre an active person in my day to day life, and I don't eat that much, but the weight keeps creeping on.

I'm giving myself a week. A week of cutting down and exercising (exercise bike every night), and we'll see how I look after that. Hopefully I'll be able to wear some stomach control pants and look fantasic in that dress, with not a bump in sight!

Monday, February 06, 2006

It's hot here. Hot, hot, hot. Public holiday again, so spent the day in the back garden with a book (Sue Grafton, A is for Alibi). Had to keep coming indoors though as it was so hot. The sun was so scorching, I felt like someone was pressing a hot iron onto my skin. Everytime I would come inside and lie down on the bed (couldn't sit on the leather suite as would stick to it), I would fall asleep. So, have slept away most of the day really. Bit of a bummer, but not much I really feel like doing in this heat.

New season of desperate housewives and greys anatomy start tonight. My 2 favourite shows! Going to sit down to watch and enjoy my last can of ice cold irn bru. mmmmm.